Who is Bluefire Ijen Tour?

Blue Fire Ijen Tour is the sister company of Java Adventure Trail (www.javaadventuretrail.com) which is based in Banyuwangi town.

We are an online travel website that organizes your tours in Java Island, especially Banyuwangi and its surrounding. For example; for the volcano tour, we have Kawah Ijen / Ijen Crater Tour includes Blue Fire / Blue Flame Tour and outside Banyuwangi, we have Yogyakarta Tour, Borobudur Tour, Mount Bromo Tour, Malang Tour, and some tours around Java Island. Then, we have wildlife tours such as the Sukamade Turtle Beach Tour, Baluran National Park Tour, and Alas Purwo National Park Tour.
Let’s book the tour with us and we will put a smile back on your face. ๐Ÿ™‚

3 Days
Age Requirement Varies +
4 Days Trip
Age Requirement Varies +
24 Hours
Age Requirement Varies +
3 days 2 nights
Age Requirement Varies +
3 Days 2 Nights
Age Requirement Varies +
3 Days 2 Nights
Age Requirement Varies + +
4 Days 3 Nights
Age requirement varies (kid under 5 years old is free of charge)+
3 Days 2 Nights
Age Requirement Varies +
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